An Overview
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Last updated
Accompanying and empowering our creative universe we have created a strong foundation built upon Blockchain technology to allow our holders to enjoy a one-of-a-kind blockchain ecosystem.
The idea is to allow our creative universe to be truly interactive and to have multiple systems working together to create a unique experience and to experiment with what a next-generation art project could be.
For the moment, you will always find all these systems within The Campfire, our holder's hub.
Here is a brief overview of some of the elements of the Blockchain ecosystem
As you can see, we have been hard at work, and will only continue to build new things and technologies pushing the NFT space forward.
The Campfire
Our holder's hub. The place where you will find all the tools and systems (monthly rewards, customization, quests, etc.)
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The Vending Machine
Our platform to distribute monthly rewards to holders. Comics, 3D collectibles, metaverse-ready assets, equips, and more...
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The Wardrobe
Our NFT customization system. Equip or unequip any item and update how your Fort Gotten Kid looks on-chain.
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The Workbench
Our NFT crafting system where you can create new NFTs using other NFTs as materials. Get access to special equipments, secret recipes, unique collectibles & more.
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Join 4 kidz with tiling backgrounds to create a squad. These give you access to special rewards and benefits. A true collectors badge.
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Trading Tent
We also created Trading Tent, where you can live trade any Cardano NFT or tokens in real time. Seamless, trustless, and peer-to-peer.
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The Photobooth
Create custom images, Twitter cover or profile pictures using your kidz. Use our stickers and background or import your own to create unique looks and results.
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Our project's token. Special collectibles & equipment stores, customize your looks, craft new NFTs, and much more.
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Quests & Activities
A mix between non-custodial staking and special activities. Get rewads such as equipment, $BottleCapz, collectibles, and more.
WIP [coming soon]
Roleplay & Activites
Wheter on social media, Discord, or physically, we are constantly looking to create interactive activities and/or roleplay sessions to engage our community and to explore different aspects of creativity.
Content Creation
The ecosystem will always be complimented with content & lore, giving sense to all the new tools and systems we will be creating.
Profile & Achievements
Create your custom kid-based profile picture and share it with the world, displaying your achievements, other NFTs, and much more!
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Metaverse Galleries
We recently acquiered vBlocks, a system to create metaverse galleries to display your NFTs. We will be sharing more details regarding this in the future.
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The Gallery
Enjoy all the Fort Gotten related content, art pieces and NFTs in a single place (comics, 3D collectibles, interactive stories, illustrations, art pieces, short stories, and more)
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A tailor-made Fort Gotten exclusive marketplace to better integrate with our Policy IDs, systems and even community creators.
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